Monday 7 April 2008

Grrrrr to the weather!.. and a big well done.

Can I just start this post by saying a big BIG congratulations to Little Miss Dragon jnr who managed to use her potty for the very first time today!

Woo hoooooo! Good on yer girl... I'm very proud of you.

Anyway back to the Den... This blooming weather is driving me mad!

Monday was T shirt weather... I did some clearing on Mums lottie, just old cabbages and broccoli but it was lovely and warm.

The shed went up on Tuesday... not as warm, well quite chilly, but it was dry.

It got warmer towards the end of the week... it was almost up to 20 degrees!

Then come Sunday.... It snowed... it was freezing cold.... it snowed again! There were blizzards by the evening!

Quick snowy picture...

I popped up to the Den just to make sure that the shed was still intact. Phew the windows were still there and it looked quite secure.

I feel a bit of a picture fest coming on....

Here's the finished shed....

Here's one of the plot... the weedkiller (3rd application) is starting to work....

And here's my plot number. It looks sad doesn't it... I'm planning on painting a new one, all nice and fancy and varnished! Might even go for the best new plot award this year! ha ha!!!

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