Monday, 19 May 2008

We have a fence!

This 'we have a ..........' is getting to be a regular post title!

Well is does what it says on the tin.... the wonderful Mr Dragon has attached the chicken wire to the posts he put in and we are fenced in on one side!

Strange, but it makes so much difference to the Den! It feels kind of enclosed (if that's possible in such a big space) but at least it separates us from the parking area next door!

Rumour has it that the greenhouse will be going up this week! That will be really great as I can get the grow bags out of the shed and make some space in there! It means I can finally decide what is going into the beds either side of the greenhouse. I have been reluctant to put anything in in case it got squashed as the greenhouse went up!

Here's the usual pics.......

And the gate even has a lock on it! Cool!!!

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