Monday, 12 May 2008

This is Base calling Den!!!!

I have a base... I have a base!

Woo hoo! The metal base for the greenhouse has been constructed but as hubby is working away for a few days the frame won't be going up this week! Boo hoo.

We spent a good few hours at the Den this morning.

We managed to get some carrots in and have covered them with one of those ready made fleece tunnel things. I also got a row of beetroot in.... mmmmm I love beetroot.

The spuds are just peeking above ground and a couple of the red onions I planted have sprouted. The Autumn onions I planted on Mums plot last year are doing well. Their little bulbs are just starting to swell.

Can I bore you with some more pics? Well I'm going too anyway!

Here are the spuds...

Here are the carrots - under the cloche....Here are the Autumn onions (the ground's a bit weedy!)...

And a closer view.....

The long awaited shed base......The PSB which has gone a bit mad this week!.....

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